Ciofs-FP (Italy)
CIOFS-FP is a non-profit association established by C.I.O.F.S. in 1986, which coordinates the activities of the Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians) of Italy involved in vocational training. It provides the following training services: initial, higher, continuous, permanent, alternating training and guidance. In particular, it deals with support in training courses and support in the active search for employment.
It offers services to the local communities and businesses, consultancy in the analysis of training needs and support for new forms of entrepreneurship. It works with other non-profit vocational training organizations, social entities, public institutions and business associations.
Website: www.ciofs-fp.org
Contact Person: Angela Elicio
+39 06 5729911

Lithuanian Association of Training Centres (Lithuania)
The association unites 35 innovative VET institutions of Lithuania. It is NGO – the self-sufficient, educational, non-profit, and open to all vocational schools which contribute to development of vocational education system and educational system reformation in Lithuania.
The goal of Association is to support all actions improving quality of Lithuanian vocational education and training.
Website: www.lpmasociacija.lt
Contact Person: Elena Pelakauskienė

The Spanish Confederation of Schools (CECE) is a non-profit organisation which represents private and subsidised education in Spain. It was founded in 1977, during the restoration of democracy.
CECE is an educational organisation with a high representation in Spain. It’s main feature is plurality: bringing together both private and subsidised schools, as well as religious and secular ones. Universities, language schools, halls of residence, nursery schools, special education and schools of hairdressing and beauty also form part of CECE.
Website: www.cece.es
Contact person: Santiago Garcia
+34 917251475

FORMA is the most representative network of Italian VET providers – representing around the 80% of VET providers and including trade unions and professional associations within its members and networks; with a high capacity of outreach and impact the system.
It recognizes the importance of approaching a wide internationalization strategy throughout the country.
Website: www.formafp.it
Contact person: Paola Vacchina
+39 065899237

Rinova Ltd (United Kingdom)
Rinova Ltd is a London-based training and development company that specialises in lifelong learning for economic, cultural, educational and social innovation.
It is listed on the Education and Skills Funding Agency Register of Approved Training Organisations as a learning provider. Rinova is a social enterprise and a member of the UK Employee Ownership Association.
Website: www.rinova.co.uk
Contact person: Richard Parkes
+44 (0)20 8536 8300

CDETB operates 23 schools and colleges (16 of which are Colleges of Further Education), 10 Youthreach Centres, an education service in seven Prisons two Training Centres, 17 Local Training Initiatives and an Adult Education Service operating in five separate areas across the city.
This provision is delivered by approximately 3,200 staff to up to 30,000 learners (12,000 full-time and 17,500 part-time) and is supported by services that include a school psychological service, a curriculum development unit, a sports and cultural council, a buildings maintenance unit and an administrative staff in CDETB Head Office in Ballsbridge. CDETB is responsible for CDYSB which provides youth work services across the city of Dublin.
Website: www.cityofdublin.etb.ie
Contact person: John Hogan
+35 31668 0614

VAVM (Lithuania)
Vilnius Car Mechanics and Business school (VAVM) is one of the biggest vocational training institutions in Lithuania that have accumulated experience in training car mechanics.
The School provides basic vocational education and trains specialists in automobile repair and automobile electric system repair.
The school also provides qualification training courses for car repair specialists from business companies, other vocational schools, meanwhile students from universities are provided with facilities and technology to perform laboratory tasks.
The School community works purposefully to teach its students independent thinking, adaptability to the changing labor market requirements, operation of modern equipment emphasizing the use of modern technologies that comply with EU standards. The school encourages its pupils to choose the WBL model as their path to integrate more quickly to the labor market.
Website: www.vavm.lt
Contact Person: Lilija Pusvaskiene
+370 5 261 8524

Hellenic union of directors of public vocational training institutions aims at the formation of a national policy for the modernization of the country’s VET system, the scientific social and service update of the union’s members along with their constant skill upgrade.
It also offers its members judicial support, establishes solidarity connections between them, and aims at bringing, in collaboration with other institutions, an overall development in the professional training sector.
Website: www.paneddiek.gr
Contact person: Dimitris Kiriakos
+30 6942819819

Assolombarda (ITALY)
Approximately 6.750 firms located in the Provinces of Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza, Pavia are associated to Assolombarda, which is the largest territorial association of the entire entrepreneurial system in the country. Assolombarda is part of Confindustria (Italian Entrepreneurial Association). The associated firms employ more than 406.500 workers locally and several hundred thousands in the whole country.
The mission of the Association is to protect and represent the enterprises’ interests in dealing with the political world, with social and political organizations and with local authorities as well as with trade unions.
Website: www.assolombarda.it
Contact person: Valentina Buitta
+39 0258370504

Confartigianato Lombardia (ITALY)
Confartigianato Imprese Lombardia is the most representative organization of SMEs and Crafts businesses in Lombardy. It promotes the value of craftsmanship, It supports and endorses the development of networks of companies and self employment activities in the territory.
It is a strong social actor, with a proactive attitude to establishing relationships within the businesses involved and with official institutions, and in particular with the Lombardy Region. It takes part to all the activities that support the competitive growth of the Lombardy community.
Website: www.confartigianato-lombardia.it
Contact person: Roberta Gagliardi
+39 02 20232542

A modern, dynamic and politically independent organization created to effectively protect the social, economic and professional interests of its members and other educational staff at all levels – national, regional and institutional – and to influence education policy-making to address the needs of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania.
LESTU team consists of qualified professionals who carry out legal analysis and research, provide member education, staff development training, provide member training on a variety of topics, participate in and assist in the preparation of various levels of collective bargaining.
Website: www.svietimoprofsajunga.lt
Contact person: Inga Puiša
+37 065756288

IDEC is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of ICT solutions for both private and public sector. IDEC has been active the last 20 years in the field of EU projects.
It has long experience in European policies regarding lifelong learning and in particular EQF, ECVET, Europass, EQAVET, validation of non-formal and informal learning, work based learning & apprenticeship schemes and in national reforms of education and training systems.
Website: www.idec.gr
Contact person: Metaxia Chronopoulou
+30 210 4286227

MetropolisNet (GERMANY)
MetropolisNet EEIG is a unique network of different types of organisations developing and implementing local strategies for employment and social inclusion in a number of European cities. Its members are located in Berlin, Dublin, London, Rome, Tampere and Vienna.
Among others the aims of MetropolisNet are promoting employment and social cohesion in large cities and urban areas as well as exchanging information, experience and know-how between the partner organisations. The partnership is a forum for sharing information and good practice on re-integrating disadvantaged groups in the labour market.
Website: www.metropolisnet.eu
Contact person: Elena Grilli
+33 761047 826